October 9, 2024 News

By Steve O’Neil

SDA Warehouse Organiser

In September 2023, SDA members at Primary Connect BRDC raised concerns in relation to Exempt Team Members having their hourly rate incorrectly calculated and being underpaid as a result.

The SDA and the site Delegates pursued the underpayment, and Primary Connect fixed the error in their payroll system in November 2023 but there was still the issue of outstanding backpay.

The SDA was informed that the company would make back payment between April and June of 2024.
When it was clear the Company would not meet this time frame the SDA filed at the FWC to require Woolworths to make immediate payment.

The Company then undertook to have the backpay paid by the end of August, and as a result of the SDAs application to the Fair Work Commission, the FWC issued a Recommendation that Woolworths “do all that is necessary to ensure” it pays SDA members by the end of August 2024, as “employees ought not to be left waiting any longer for money that is owed to them”.

Back payment for Exempt Team Members will be for the period of February 2017 to November 2023 and included superannuation payments and interest. Some members have received over $10,000 in backpay as a result of this action.

After the Company’s own audit of its payroll system they also believed they had discovered an overpayment to casuals on Overtime, however the SDA was able to point out that this had already been discussed and settled during the negotiation of the 2021 agreement, and there was no overpayment.

This was a great win for members at the BRDC – and shows it is always worth raising any questions you have about your pay.